Why use Citra Clean brand environmentally friendly citrus cleaner?

Simple. Save money while you are saving the planet.

Save Money

When you buy most commercial cleaners then your are buying mostly water. With Citra Clean environmentally friendly cleaner, you add your own water. We pass the savings in mixing and shipping on to you. One bottle of Citra Clean concentrate is equal to 40 litres of commercial grade cleaner or 80 litres of household grade cleaner

That means one bottle of Citra Clean concentrate can save you up to $400 dollars! So we like to ask the question, "Why pay for water?"

Save The Planet


Less water means less energy to ship Citra Clean. Not only does it save on shipping energy but it means less plastic packaging and less water waste. Not only that but Citra Clean is an effective ALL NATURAL cleaner. So your are dramatically reducing your impact on the environment by moving away from harmful chemicals.


"My wife and I own several rental properties and we were first introduced to the Citra Clean product about 2 years ago. The product has not only replaced numerous products that we used to use but it is also the most effective all purpose cleaner we have come across." ~ Kevin, Burlington, Ont.

I run a house cleaning service and use Citra Clean on absolutely everything. I was amazed at how well it works on everything from glass to soap scum and that one product really can shine stainless steel AND take the oil off the driveway! I am happy to report that all of my employees are delighted with the pleasant aroma and the fact that it is so gentle on skin.  One bottle has replaced dozens of other products and has cut my expenses by nearly 50%.  Thank you! ~ Leslie, Delta, BC



Download the Citra Clean Material Safety Data Sheet and Canada Food Inspection Report here;
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